Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Oh cmon! - I'm all out of Sam Adams! Now I have to tap a Merlot until the final count. Geez.


  1. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Kerry needs to step up, be a man and do the right thing and conceed. He won't though, because he's a selfish man and will put himself before the country and try to fight a 100,000 vote deficit in Ohio.


  2. I don't think that Kerry will hold on so much because he's selfish, but because his party will not allow him to take any other path. If he were truly a leader, he would step up and do what is right for the country and concede, but leadership is not his strong suit, so he will go along with what the party wants, and to hell with what's good for the country. I think that alone shows that America chose the right man, even though the closeness of the election shows that a large number of us just don't get it.
