Monday, November 08, 2004

I’m a Senator? Huh!

WashPost: “Fired up” Kerry returning to Senate – “Kerry has spent the better part of the past two years on the campaign trail, meaning that his return to Capitol Hill will be something of a reintroduction to colleagues.”

This is absolutely the last time I’m going to note this, but while Kerry was running for President, he missed 194 out of 211 floor votes in the Senate for a missed vote percentage of 92%. Since January, he’s worked exactly four days in the Senate. As far as I know, he has not returned any paychecks. That is all.

1 comment:

  1. Now, instead of complaining about Kerry's missing attendance, you can snark on how he isn't observing the tradition that losing presidential candidates don't jog the winner's elbow during his term.
