Monday, November 01, 2004

I want to believe

Fox News: “Nonetheless, Karl Rove, the president's top political adviser called the race for Bush. "We're ahead," he told reporters in Cincinnati, Ohio, the last campaign stop Sunday. "We will win Florida and Ohio. We will take at least two or three or four states that were won by (Democrat Al) Gore in the last election."”

Right of the Rainbow: “On Tuesday, George Bush is going to win this election. What's more, informed by the context of history, we'll look back one day on Mr. Bush's victory, just as we do now on Ronald Reagan's victory in 1984, and wonder who could have ever doubted it.”

From “Future market predict Bush to win”:

According to economic professor Forrest Nelson of the University of Iowa, markets are stronger indicators when it comes to forecasting presidential elections than polls.

"There is a financial initiative to get it right," said Nelson, "The numbers are immediate feedback to traders, which is better than a civil service poll. And it causes traders to collect more information (before purchasing or selling a share)."

Nelson also added that unlike pollsters, traders do not have to rely on a random sample to judge the current trend among voters. He also cited that the margin of error in markets is smaller at 1.5 percentage points, while polls are generally 2.25 to 2.5 points within the margin of error.
The Iowa Electronics Market and the Tradesports Presidential Market have been hovering around a 55%-45% split lately, FWIW.

1 comment:


    is another futrues market, they tell a different tale
