Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The continuing crisis

I don’t want to do any more post-mortems on the election. We won. They’re in therapy. End of story. Let’s re-focus on the battle that has redefined American domestic and foreign policy. The expansive Dutch, who somehow convinced themselves that the war on terrorism is an American enterprise, are waking up to reality. Here’s Michael Ledeen in a NRO article titled “The Killers”:

Mohammed B., the man accused of killing Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh in Amsterdam last week, was born and bred in the Netherlands, "known as a relaxed, friendly and intelligent young man," a good student, a volunteer social worker, and a serious student of Information Technology. He came from a close family, and the death of his mother three years ago hit him very hard. He began to devote more time to religious studies, and in the last year became increasingly fanatic. He abandoned his social work because he refused to serve alcohol, and because the foundation where he volunteered organized events where both sexes were present. He was on welfare when he killed van Gogh.
The van Gogh murder was a shot across the bow for Europe. Will they heed the message? Read the whole thing.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Will they heed the message? Something, sooner or later, will/should be the tipping point that awakens Europe to the abyss into which they now stare. This could be it. Not that I'm particularly sanguine: European stupor is so ingrained that even this might not be it. Nonetheless, something must be the tipping point -- else Europe will die, as a European/Western civilization. Heretofore, the Brits being a notable exception (or is it just Tony Blair riding alone?), Europe has sought to hide its head in the sand. From what I've read of the initial Dutch reactions -- popular sentiment and in terms of goverment action -- this could well be the tipping point for the Dutch. If so, good for them, great for them, welcome aboard! And now, for the rest of Old Europe? They diss us on Iraq. What is missing is any sense that this is a global challenge, and they, even more than the US, are on the front-line. Iraq is an episode in the panorama. It could be a mis-episode, or a central episode. Either way, it is an episode in the overall struggle. But (Old) Europe has, heretofore, failed to even recognize that there is an overall struggle -- in the sense of an existential challenge to Western civilization. An analogy might be the Allied decision to invade North Africa in WWII. Maybe that was strategically sound, maybe not. But it was undertaken within an undisputed overall understanding that the Fascist powers must be defeated. The analogy is: we now have a disputed move within an overall strategy: the move is to invade Iraq and establish a democratically legitimate government; the strategic goal is to defeat IslamoFascism. The move itself might, or might not, be appropriate, within the overall objective. The difference is that (Old) Europe does not, as yet, really recognize, much less accept, the overall strategy. They have not, yet, grasped the nature of the cobra into whose fangs they stare -- in part due to internal problems with their Islamic populations, in part due to a latent anti-Americanism traceable to Vietnam and the envious attitudes of their quasi-socialist and pagan elites. All this will change -- if it does, no prediction that it really will -- due to the common folk, the non-elites, reacting to events such as have transpired in Holland. Stay tuned.

    yr obd srvt,
    Ben Crain
