Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Will we get a missile defense question tonight?

Bob Schieffer: ““I'll lay my cards on the table: I think anti-ballistic missile defense systems are a bad idea and this is something I've thought for 20 years.” — Schieffer on Imus in the Morning, July 17, 2001.

From National Review - "Missile Defense Contortions - John Kerry runs from his record again":

On Tuesday morning, John Kerry woke up to the threat of nuclear terrorism and stated the obvious, in a speech delivered in West Palm Beach, Florida: "We have to do everything we can to stop a nuclear weapon from ever reaching our shore and that mission begins far away."

But, as with what seems like near every other issue in this campaign, Kerry was against doing everything to stop a nuclear weapon from reaching our shores before he was for it.

The Kerry campaign hopes their candidate's long record of opposing a robust national missile defense will be forgotten. But it shouldn't be.
Strange: When speaking about stem cell research, John Edwards claims that John Kerry “believes in science.” But on missile defense, Kerry throws up his arms and says “it can’t be done!”:

On June 14, 2001, John Kerry told Hardball's Chris Matthews that a "missile shield that could defend the United States against any incoming missile is a fantasy, it is too expensive, it won't work, and that's what people believe will drive an arms race."
Perhaps a summit will help: “Pretty please, may we defend ourselves?”

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