Friday, October 29, 2004

What would we do without analysts? Bin Laden tape could help Bush – Analysts

Meanwhile, here's the silver lining for Kerry

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Bla bla, bla bla, f'n bla. If Bush wins, it was the Osama tape that sealed the deal. If Kerry wins, it was the Osama tape that made the difference.

    The tape reminds us why we need to stand behind a strong, strong leader. No, wait, it reminds us that Bush took his eye off the ball.

    The tone of the attack smacks of Karl Rove's dirty tricks. Either that or it's Mary Beth Cahill, politicizing the war on terror again.

    Everything in American politics is like that optical drawing that simultaneously looks like two profiles, or a vase. It's unbelievably tiresome and juvenile. Bla bla f'n bla.

    Here's the only talking point you WON'T hear this weekend. This Osama tape, like virtually everything else in the campaign, will convince no one to adopt a viewpoint they're not already clinging to like a dog with a pork chop.

    Whoever wins this election is a cheater. Whoever loses, come on, everybody knows they got robbed.

    Ah, darling facts. Ah, empirical reality. How I miss them.

