Monday, October 18, 2004

Too tired - so tiresome

I started to write a longish screed about how Andrew Sullivan has devolved into a whiny, self-righteous bore, but I’m just too tired to give it justice. I’ll see what I can do tomorrow. In the meantime, let’s all soak in his perfect punditry. Remember this golden oldie from October 9th: “Kerry’s Momentum – Can Bush stop it?”

Judging from the RCP composite poll, I’d say the answer is yes.

The Iowa Electronic Market would concur.

And, wow, there’s a big selloff of Kerry stock tonight (and a bull market for Bush) on the TradeSports political market. (George Soros, why have thou forsaken me?) Nice call, Andrew!


  1. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I would just love to know what got into Andrew....he was a person whose site I would visit occasionally and while I most certainly did not agree with everything he said there was some I did and I could overlook the things I disagreed about. He just became WAY too over-the-top for me and I have not been back in weeks...

  2. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I used to read Sullivan all the time, he is an excellent writer and his view on American life were spot on. He seems to feel jilted by Bush over the Marriage Amendment act and that colors everything he writes now. I quit reading him a couple months ago, time is limited and there is much more interesign stuff to read from bloggers without baggage. Hey, I like that, Blogger without Baggage!
