Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Time to flip Ohio

I’m positive that William “Bush is Toast” Saletan would rather cut off his pinkie toe than update Slate’s Election Scorecard to show Ohio leaning towards the President. But he can no longer ignore the math: the most recent polls listed for Ohio clearly indicate that Bush is ahead in the Buckeye State. (Not by much, to be sure, but when you’re calling “leaners” you have to be honest to the arithmetic.) For good measure, throw in this morning’s Strategic Vision poll and you have to tip the balance.

Real Clear Politics has Bush ahead in Ohio and both Election Projection and Electoral Vote have that state colored red. Will Slate/Saletan grudgingly admit the truth? Stay tuned.

Update: OK, even with the latest ARG numbers (just added) Bush still leads on the RCP average and that’s without the new Strategic Vision poll. And if you dropped off those 358 respondents in the high MOE Scripps poll…well.

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