Thursday, October 21, 2004

Sleep-deprived reporters rebel with sarcasm

I may have to re-assess my belief that the MSM is in the bag for Kerry. According to the Drudge Report, here’s part of the pool report from Kerry’s hunting trip this morning:

It's 10:53. We're loaded up for airport but haven't left yet. A note from photogs. Lots of blood on Kerry's left hand. Pooler suggested it was from fetching downed bird and possibly wringing its neck if it were still kicking, flipping and flopping, perhaps flip-flopping. Photog saw Mr. Kerry shaking his entire hand way up field as if he'd injured hand. When he walked by, he'd tucked his hand up into his sleeve so it couldn't be seen. Suppose we'll have to wait for after-action report, but as we all know, Purple Heart citations can be vague.
They wrote that?!? Thus must be a gag.

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