Wednesday, October 06, 2004

More Sullivan breakdown

Andrew Sullivan seems to be the only political blogger who believes that Edwards won last night’s debate and he’s getting heat for it. But he’s found a kindred soul in Will Saletan of Slate: “Btw, here's what Jonah said last night, after calling me "batty" for believing that Cheney was eviscerated: "I'd go so far as to predict that Sullivan is the only big name/mainstream pundit in America who has that opinion." Hmmm. Does the political correspondent for Slate count?”

Um, in my book, no. Saletan declared George W. Bush “toast” four years ago and – too embarrassed to repeat this mistake – now calls him “warm bread.” Almost from the point of that declaration, Saletan has written one essay after another (really the same essay) criticizing Bush. In other words, after he put his pundit status on the line, Saletan needs to avoid the shame of being wrong twice. I ignore Saletan for the same reason I ignore that fair and balanced pollster John “It’s Kerry’s race to lose” Zogby.

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