Thursday, October 14, 2004

Kerry loses the woman’s vote

Here’s Kate O’Beirne soon after the debate last night: “A friend points out that no self-respecting woman could vote for a guy who gushes about his mother when he's been asked about his wife.”

Then Jim G. on the Kerry Spot wrote this morning: “Wow. Judging by my e-mail box, Kerry's answer to the wife question - okay, specifically, "strong women" question - by talking about his mother was a big turn-off with women voters. As someone else noted, Kerry didn't even say the word "Teresa.""

and Hugh Hewitt piles on: “Put a fork in John Kerry. Security moms were already suspicious of his "global test." Now they can feel good about just not liking him.”

1 comment:

  1. That, and the triple "Integrity", was deadly.
