Friday, October 01, 2004

It's screedy!

James Lileks is in no mood to entertain the "summit" route:
Ask yourself this: you’re a dictator who has violated the terms of a peace treaty over and over again, and frequently shoots at the planes enforcing the treaties. Who do you fear the most? A) The magnificent concert of allies in the UN, some of whom you’ve bought off, who are desperate to prove their legitimacy by prolonging the process into the 22nd century

B) The United States, Britain and Australia, who have several hundred thousand troops on your border and frankly are in no mood to put up your crap any longer What would you want in this situation?

The answer starts with “S” and ends, five letters later, in “T.”
Lileks also makes the observation that, in Kerry's world, having France in the coalition suddenly bestows legitimacy on the entire war in Iraq. ("Oh, but Kerry doesn't say that!" say the Donks - and it's true, Kerry never says anything he can't take back later.) An excellent screed, as usual.

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