Friday, October 15, 2004

Good morning!

Reuters: Bush opens up four-point lead

President Bush opened a four-point lead on Democratic Sen. John Kerry the day after the final debate between the White House rivals, according to a Reuters/Zogby poll released on Friday.

Bush led Kerry 48-44 percent in the latest three-day tracking poll, which included one night of polling done after Wednesday's debate in Tempe, Arizona. Bush led Kerry, a senator from Massachusetts, by only one point, 46-45 percent, the previous day.

An improvement in Bush's showing among undecideds and a strong response from his base Republican supporters helped fuel the president's rise.
Yes, I know this poll is tainted by Zogby, whom I don’t trust. However, as the first indication of where the momentum has shifted after the last debate, this is very encouraging.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Zogby's state by state polling is abysmal --- he was off the mark in 2002 in almost every race. Still, when he polls the nation as a whole, he's very good. He was off by .1% in the 1996 presidential race and by 1.5% in 2000. Given that track record, I trust his national numbers, though you couldn't pay me to put stock in his state polls.
