Sunday, October 31, 2004

Gallup is trying to give me a coronary

Bush leads slightly among likely voters, 49-47% but trails in both Ohio and Florida? And now Bush has a 4% lead in Pennsylvania?!? And 8% in Wisconsin?

This poll was taken Friday through Sunday. Somebody please tell me that weekend polls are historically wacky. I’ve heard it before, but never quite believed it. Is it true? Maybe you should lie to me and say “yes” and help me avoid a breakdown here.

Update: OK, this made me feel a little better, esp. the part about Ohio.


  1. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I agree, the stress of this election is ruining my health! Let's hope the pollsters have it as wrong as they did in 2002.
    Also-- loved your takedown of Bisbort in the Valley Advocate. Well done.

  2. Thank you! I didn't mention my letter to the editor but I was thrilled when they printed it. Bisbort drives me insane because he seems to get all his "facts" from Mother Jones and the Democratic Underground. Plus the undertone of every article is "I'm so much smarter than everybody." It's grating. He's going to be sorely disappointed Tuesday.
