Thursday, October 21, 2004

From communism to the U.N. – the utter failure of “good intentions”

Ever since I read Joshua Muravchik’s condemnation of communism in “Heaven on Earth,” I’ve been a huge fan. Today, he has an article for the American Enterprise Institute that is just as unsparing: “Terrorism’s silent partner at the United Nations.”

This month, the United Nations Security Council voted to condemn terrorism. The resolution was introduced by Russia, still grieving over the terrorist attack on a school in Beslan, and perhaps the unanimous vote will give it a measure of solace. But the convoluted text and the dealings behind the scenes that were necessary to secure agreement on it offer cold comfort to anyone who cares about winning the war against terrorism. For what they reveal is that even after Beslan and after Madrid and after 9/11, the UN still cannot bring itself to oppose terrorism unequivocally.
The U.N. is worse than useless – why do we pretend otherwise?

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