Saturday, October 16, 2004

Disconnected from cell phones

I’ve always thought the argument that polls are inaccurate because they don’t reach cell phones to be spurious. The main point made by some is that younger Americans use cell phones and these are voters that would be supporting John Kerry, if the pollsters could only reach them.

First, I doubt younger Americans are going overwhelmingly for Kerry. Second, I’m inclined to believe that the number of Americans with only a cell phone and no land-line communication to be miniscule. Lastly, even if the “young liberal” myth were true, the voting participation rate among younger Americans is the lowest among all demographics, so it’s unlikely their vote will make much of a difference, cell phone or not.

The Man without Qualities convincingly discusses another form of phone technology that may be a much bigger factor in determining who responds to polls: caller-ID.

1 comment:

  1. I talked more or less about the same thing here.

    An database admin for a former pollster has some intresting comments.

    But i think you are asking the wrong question.

    We all know 20-29 year olds can't be reached, weather they are parting, have cell phones, caller id, or live in a commune in texas.

    We also all know that younger members don't turn out to vote as much.

    We also all know that the polls are caculated using the actual numbers that youngsters turned out for the last election.

    If younger voters (let's say those in college when the towers fell) went out and voted in force, what would be the effect.

    If this election is close, they could swing the vote.
