Sunday, October 10, 2004

Blogger roundup

Wind Rider – “I strongly suspect the Senator doesn't understand jack, except that he wants to live in the White House.”

Rich Lowry on the entire basis of the Kerry/Edwards Iraq policy: “The whole Kedwards France Germany thing is an illusion, and an incoherent one at that.”

Hugh Hewitt – “John Neville Kerry just doesn't understand the enemy or the threat. You cannot defend against an enemy you cannot so, refuse to see, and refuse to understand. It is that simple.”

Roger L. Simon – “Never mind that the United Nations has done nothing against a whole litany of contemporary carnage from Rwanda to Darfur. Never mind that the United Nations under Oil-for-Food has put the Mafia to shame as a brokerage house for mass theft. Mr. Kerry will run back to the Society of Kleptocrats to reassure them it's going to be business as usual. No more of this unilateralism that upset the gravy train.”

Power Line – “Kerry is quoted at length sufficient to reveal the sheer obtuseness and utter vacuity of his views; the Kerry Weltanschauung revels in self-regarding lullabies.”

and here’s a great picture from Lorie Byrd. Goodnight!

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