Friday, October 29, 2004

Best opening paragraph today

Gov. Ed Rendell is scheduled to stump for John Kerry in York today, and he’s bringing Rhoda and Meathead with him.
Isn’t this ironic? I just wrote a Blogs for Bush post noting that the Democrats are stuck in the past while the Republicans are looking to the future. And I didn’t even mention Vietnam.


  1. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Ho! Ho! Very powerful critique, on the same day GWB stumps with Conan!

    Arnold Schwarzenegger's film career, 1994-2004: Junior, Eraser, Jingle All the Way, Batman & Robin, End of Days, The 6th Day, Dr. Dolittle 2, Collateral Damage, Terminator 3, The Rundown, Around the World in 80 Days.... ho! Ho! Ho! That pinko Rob Reiner is so washed up!

  2. Anonymous12:59 AM

    Ho! Ho! Loved Schwarzenegger's hip, topical "I'm here to pump you up" speech. He's not like those Democrats, always looking backwards to yesteryear!

    Dana Carvey left "Saturday Night Live" in 1992.

  3. Jebus, you're like a gnat.

    Clearly my point was that Bush is campaigning with people who have a political future while Kerry is stuck with decades-stale celebrities and washed-up pols. Trotting out a list of Arnold's flops is a sadly pathetic "rebuttal."

    Don't you have some fart jokes to write?

  4. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Nice twist, swivelhips. My point wasn't that the Governor of California has no political future-- that would be inane. It was to demonstrate how easy it is to take a dumb partisan slap at a celebrity in politics. The difference is that I don't mean it.

    As for "stuck in the past," politicians rarely exploit celebrities whose fame has yet to occur, and celebrities rarely immerse themselves in politics until their viability as stars is extinguished (i.e. Reiner, Schwarzenegger).

    But "Meathead"! What a zinger! Because all that "Bedtime for Bonzo" stuff sure torpedoed Reagan's career, huh?

    Haven't YOU got a new Rasmussen update to dissect into atoms?

  5. "The difference is that I don't mean it."

    Thus confirming your opinion on everything outside of baseball and trivia, both of which are slowly dying. Good luck with that "weighted" scoring - you thought the Florida recount was ugly.

  6. Anonymous6:29 PM

    To be pedantically, numbingly repetitive: Regular season baseball ratings are up, postseason ratings are up, attendance is up-- and it's the only one of the "major sports" which can make that claim. Your refusal to process these mathematical facts speaks well to your political acumen, especially as it regards polling.

    I accept your other random slurs in the context that The Most Irreplaceable Man On Earth has no better than a 50-50 chance of survival, and because of that, you're on edge. Surely your mood cannot be lightened with the realization that a person as devoted to trivia as myself would consider the minutia of pollwatching an almost worthless pursuit. You are free to consider me a bad citizen and a pitiable nihilist for not giving a crap what Dick Morris or Paul Begala have to recite; I am free to be well-satisfied that the only political blog I ever look at is yours.

    Shouldn't we be having this little chat on IM?

