Sunday, September 26, 2004

W’s double wows WV

A reader sent this article from West Virginia:

First daughters Jenna and Barbara Bush arrived at West Virginia University well on time for their 3 p.m. campaign stop Wednesday and for that, journalism student Liz Weber now knows who she's voting for in November.

"It's good to have the Bush girls here on time," said Weber, a registered independent. "It shows that they care more."

Weber was referring to the Sept. 2 visit by Alexandra Kerry and Cate Edwards, daughters of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry and running mate John Edwards. They showed up at the WVU Mountainlair nearly two hours late and left after a five-minute speech on the economy, health care and young voters.
There she goes, there she goes again (another voter, that is).

1 comment:

  1. Just like a VP selection, the candidates family is more likely to lose votes than gain votes. People wait a long time for these silly rallies. Don't be late!
