Wednesday, September 15, 2004

What media bias?

Lorie Byrd makes an excellent point here:

“The tenacity and vigor with which CBS pursued the Bush National Guard story, for five years, is incredible. What makes their bias and partisanship all the more obvious (if that is even possible) is that they did not even spend 1 millionth the amount of time they spent investigating the Bush story, looking into the Swiftboat Vets' claims relating to John Kerry's Vietnam service. The allegations against Kerry were supported by many more witnesses willing to speak on the record, and the allegations were much more relevant since Kerry's sole argument that he was qualified to be Commander-in-Chief was based on his 4 month record in Vietnam. When the Swifties' book, Unfit for Command became a blockbuster bestseller, the only mention CBS and most of the mainstream media gave it was in the context of dirty politics or an alleged coordination with the White House.”
Read the whole thing. Also from Polipundit: Here’s DJ Drummond on Rathergate and “Reverse engineering the latest lie.”

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