Thursday, September 02, 2004

Throw ‘im in that briar patch – According to Outside the Beltway and American Spectator, 60 Minutes will run an interview with some dude who said he got Dubya into the National Guard. Go ahead. It will only reinforce the undeniable belief among Americans that the Democrats (and their buddies in the MSM) live in the past.


  1. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Ah, yes, it's those DEMOCRATS who need to stop fighting old battles and let go of their old gripes. Maybe those backward libs could put a "Purple Heart Band-Aid" on their boo-boo.

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Um, it was YOUR boy "reporting for duty" in Boston, 'member? I don't remember "the issues" getting a Spielberg-produced grainy footage MTV-style video montage at the DNC. Kerry told us all he served in Vietnam, proceeded to make it his only campaign "position" if I can use the term loosely, and now you guys bitch because he's getting whacked. Beautiful. You scream, because you put your hand on a hot stove and it got burned. Surprise! Now it hurts, and you blame us. Double surprise! Childish, and expected.

    Rock on, bitter Dem.
