Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Ship of fools

At some point, the ineptness of a candidate’s campaign becomes an issue of its own. That is, when Americans take in the disorganization, message muddle, and in-fighting of the Kerry campaign, the inescapable syllogism is that he cannot be trusted with the Presidency. And now that the state polls are tipping decidedly into Bush’s column, the whispers are growing louder (as Jackie Wilson would say) that the Kerry campaign has gone off the rails.

Here’s the Boston Globe: “Who’s in charge of the Kerry campaign?”
Tony Blankley in the WashTimes: “Democrats in disarray
Polipundit notes that Kerry is still in hiding from the press after more than a month
Meanwhile, the Vietnam questions just won’t go away and Kate O’Beirne says that Kerry is a captive of his past.

The image, the message, the whole campaign is spinning out of control and no injection of Clintonistas will change that. The problem isn’t the ad campaign – it’s the product.

Extra - Here’s Joan Vennochi in the Boston Globe: “It’s the candidate, not the consultants

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could remember where I got this line from, but it paraphrases nicely here.

    Kerry's campaign most resembles a retard running from bees.
