Saturday, September 18, 2004

Red states remain steadfastly scarlet

From MSNBC: “Polls show Bush faring well in states he narrowly won in 2000” – “New polling data suggest that Sen. John Kerry has made little headway with voters in five states that President Bush narrowly won in 2000.” “Little” is a polite way to say “no.”

The breakdown (Bush-Kerry percentages):

Arizona: 50%-39%
Missouri: 48%-41%
Nevada: 50%-45%
New Hampshire: 49%-40%
Ohio: 49%-42%
West Virginia: 45%-44%

And there’s this: “Another strikingly insignificant factor in the voters’ decisions is the mêlée over what both Bush and Kerry did during the Vietnam War era.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Please give these guys some publicity...make sure and wait for it to download:
