Friday, September 10, 2004

Punks of the new media

There’s a lot of hearty back-slapping going on among the blogs today, and with good reason: we’re kicking the old media’s wrinkled ass. John Podhoretz, writing in the NY Post, detailed the evolution of insta-debunking and James Lileks piled on a bit, more out of sorrow than gloating. Dodd declared September 9th “Bloggers Day.” But my favorite characterization came from Beautiful Atrocities:

If Bush is reelected, it will be - like Reagan - despite the collective sneer of the effete intelligentsia, billions of Bush-ba$hing books, & the best efforts of the Old Media to hold back the tide. The blogosphere is like the cheerful DIY anarchy of Britain's New Wave c. 1977, where a bunch of kids who couldn't play or afford cabfare turned the music world upside down.
We’re the Ramones of the press room – stand aside!

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