Saturday, September 04, 2004

Newsweek Poll: Bush leads Kerry by 11 points

Well, it looks like the Republicans know how to throw an effective convention:

President George W. Bush leads his Democrat opponent John Kerry by 11 percentage points according to a poll immediately after the Republican National Convention in New York, Newsweek magazine reported.

Bush is supported by 54 percent of the 1,008 registered voters surveyed Thursday and Friday, compared with 43 percent support for Kerry, a four-term Massachusetts senator. Independent candidate Ralph Nader polled 3 percent. The poll has a margin of error of 4 percentage points, Newsweek said.

The president's job-approval rating rose to 52 percent, the first time it's been above 50 percent since January, Newsweek said. A 53 percent majority wants to see him re-elected, the highest since May of last year, the magazine reported.
Great news, but let’s not get complacent. Election Day is two months away.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Those numbers are bound to fluctuate, but it sure feels good right now! By the way, do you plan on moving off Blog*Spot?

    --La Shawn
