Thursday, September 16, 2004

The legacy of McCain-Feingold

It’s come to this:

Two Washington-based lawyers supporting President Bush’s re-election have registered an advocacy group, Football Fans for Truth, as a Section 527 organization allowed to accept unlimited political donations. They plan to publicize Kerry’s recent sports misstatements such as his reference to the home of the Green Bay Packers as “Lambert Field” instead of Lambeau Field.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Lambert Field? Didn't Eric Clapner give a big concert there?

    Seriously, this will cost him more votes in Wisconsin than it will gain him in Illinois and Minnesota. We know Kerry is out of touch, his campaign team is totally discombobulated, and Curly Lambeau was a mere Kaybecker and not a proper Frenchman, but this sort of screw-up really does warrant an impact on people's opinion of the candidate.

