Saturday, September 25, 2004

Kids dig the twins

From US News & World Report: “Not so terrible twins after all
After their quirky tag-team performance for Dad at the Republican National Convention, President Bush' s twins, Barbara and Jenna, were sneeringly called everything from flirts to ditzes. Seems the stodgy political press panned their performance, their choice of clothes, and their Sex and the City joke about "Gammy," grandmom Barbara Bush. Well, as they say at CBS, never mind. Bush-Cheney campaign insiders reveal that the twins' debut was a smash hit among young voters, women, and even dads of 20-somethings. "They really worked," says a campaign strategist. "The focus groups loved them." What clicked was their lingo, clothes, and cultural references. After the initial critical coverage, aide Susan Whitson recalls thinking, "Gosh, what did we do?" Until, of course, supporters said they liked the kids. "They weren't talking to you and me," says another Bushie. "They were talking to their tribe." That would be college students like the Michigan State University men at a recent twins rally who held up a sign with their phone numbers. The message: CALL US.
They’re a double-threat!

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