Friday, September 17, 2004

Kerry’s doomed

From MSNBC, here’s Tim Russert of “Meet the Press”:

MSNBC: "There are only 45 days until Election Day. Is that enough time for John Kerry to make that turnaround?"
Russert: "It’s uphill. There’s no doubt about it. But the presidential debate on September 30th, in Coral Gables, Florida will give John Kerry a real chance to talk to the country in clear, understandable terms. It’s not enough to say, “George W. Bush is wrong.” He has to say what he will do."
Emphasis added. As Charles Krauthammer notes today, Senator Splunge has been so inconsistent and incoherent on critical issues that there’s “Nowhere Left to Flop.” And Jonah Goldberg wonders if Kerry’s weather vane shifts not because of the prevailing winds of the polls but because of his perception of events: “In this scenario what he calls "nuance" is actually an acute inability to grasp that today's headlines do not automatically corrupt yesterday's decisions or tomorrow's goals.” Nicely put.

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