Monday, September 06, 2004

Kerry should keep on lulling us into a false sense of security

From the Christian Science Monitor: “John Kerry is right where he wants to be, Democrats ruefully joke: behind in the polls and remaking his campaign team.”

The article goes on to note how Kerry has a history of “come from behind” victories. Big whoop: Kerry came back to beat William Weld in a Senate race by running as a – wait for it – Democrat in Massachusetts. Oh, and he cheated.

Extra: Prof. Bainbridge has more from the LA Times on how Kerry’s win in the 1996 Senate race hinged on completely blowing off agreed-to spending limits. Whatever it takes.

1 comment:

  1. Kerry says Iraq war was wrong, wrong, wrong.
    This American in Iraq writes about the good happenings in Iraq that the media will not tell us.
