Thursday, September 23, 2004

Interesting tidbit from La-La Land

From the gossip page of – “Last Night’s Anti-Bush Bash

For political Hollywood, the place to be last night was David Geffen's intimate dinner party in honor of Maureen Dowd and her new book Bushworld: Enter at Your Own Risk. The fete was held in Geffen's totally redone Beverly Hills home (he bought the 10-acre property known as the Jack Warner estate for $47.5 million, then a record price paid for a residential property in Los Angeles). The guest list included Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson, Jack Nicholson, Warren Beatty, Lorne Michael, Nora Ephron, Barry Diller, Will Farrell, Martin Short, Sony Pictures' Amy Pascal, Mike Nichols, Arianna Huffington and Oracle's Larry Ellison. Ellison spilled that he had just spoken to ex-Clintonian and new Kerry advisor Joe Lockhart, who says even Kerry's private polls are showing the Democratic challenger 7 points behind Dubya.
Et tu, Tom Hanks? I always thought he was pretty apolitical.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Martin Short was there? He's from Toronto, Canada. He shouldn't meddle in foreign politics. More of Jean Francois Kerrie's international allies I suppose.
