Saturday, September 18, 2004

CBS staffers love the Dems

From the NY Post’s Page Six: Rather’s crew backs Dems

WITH Dan Rather and CBS under fire for broadcasting what seem to be fake National Guard documents in a story slamming President George W. Bush, probed the political contributions made by CBS News staffers. Turns out that Rather's minions are overwhelmingly Democratic. CBS News-ers have donated $17,050 to federal candidates and political action committees since 1982. Of that amount, $10,800 was for Democrats and the DNC; $3,500 went to Lenora Fulani's wacky New Alliance Party; and only $2,750 went to the GOP.
That’s right: among CBS staffers, the GOP received less money than the New Alliance party. But remember: journalists have a super-human ability to put bias aside and report the news with absolute objectivity.


  1. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Hey, where are you VP? I went to school in Amherst and my boyfriend works at a tennis club in Stockbridge every summer. Glad to hear you are on the Right side. And especially liked your post about the Madison kids and "Lambert field."

  2. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Oh Lordy, Lordy, NO! $491 per year funneled to the Dems since 1982? Stop the flood of dirty money!
