Friday, September 17, 2004

Bush up by 8% in NY Times/CBS “News” poll

What do you get when you combine the most liberal newspaper in America with the most biased network on television? Why it’s the New York Times/CBS News Presidential Race poll! Sadly, they couldn’t forge the results: “Kerry Trails Bush by 8 Points in New Poll and Faces Obstacles

In one particularly troublesome sign for Mr. Kerry, a majority of voters said he was spending too much time attacking Mr. Bush and talking about the past, rather than explaining what he would do as president. By contrast, half of the registered voters said Mr. Bush had offered a clear vision of what he wanted to do in a second term. That finding, combined with an [sic] rising unfavorable view of Mr. Kerry, underlines the complicated strategic challenge the Massachusetts senator confronts as he tries to attack Mr. Bush without alienating voters put off by negative campaigning.
The 50%-42% lead is among registered voters; for likely voters, the gap widens to 51%-42%. The telephone poll was conducted from Sunday through Thursday.

[Cross-posted on Blogs for Bush]

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