Thursday, September 02, 2004

Bloggers react to Andrew Sullivan’s reaction to Zell Miller

Man, what happened to Sully? He used to be pretty level-headed. Then, last month, he had a pledge drive on his blog after which he thanked his loyal readers and contributors by going on vacation for a month. Now he’s back, wahhhhhling like a banshee about the Zell Miller’s speech.

Dean isn’t happy: “Andrew Sullivan, you are no better than the worst fag-bashers of the world. No wait, you're worse, because you know better, but you did it anyway.”

Here’s Right On Red with “Sullie Soils Himself” – “I long dismissed some of the American stereotypes about British men being limp-wristed, cross-dressing, bedwetting socialists. But Sullivan did his best to revive them.”

And here’s Ryne McClaren: “Lies? Hateful rhetoric? Examples? Sullivan provides none, other than basically saying "That guy talks funny." It was nice knowing you, Andrew.”

1 comment:

  1. Using gay slurs doesn't help their case
