Tuesday, September 14, 2004

America’s police force stands with Bush

For all his blather about supporting the “first responders,” Senator Splunge couldn’t be bothered to answer some of their questions. From The Hill: “Snubbed cops union backs Bush

The nation’s biggest police union has voted to endorse President Bush, after Sen. John Kerry failed to respond to its candidate questionnaire.

The 318,000-member Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) made its decision at its national board meeting in Albuquerque on Sept. 10. This is the first time in the group’s history that it has made a unanimous endorsement, FOP Executive Director Jim Pasco said.

He said the Kerry campaign declined to return the group’s lengthy and detailed questionnaire despite repeated reminders, angering union members.

“Not only are we strongly supporting Bush,” Pasco said, “we’re mad at Kerry. Our members feel he treated them without respect — 318,000 cops. He’s galvanized our base against him. It’s just stupid.”

I know everybody’s going heavy with the CBS media bias/forgeries scandal, but this kind of lapse demonstrates why Kerry cannot be trusted.


  1. Kerry, in talking about the lapsed gun bill, indicates the police supporting him because President Bush did not initiate the legislation necessary to renew the law.
    Kerry must think the police are too dumb to understand that it is Congress that must write the bill, pass it and send it to the President for his signature. Kerry has led his campaign as he would lead the country.

  2. Lapse, I don't think so.

    This is a cop union. Every person on that board has experience interrogating people (or at least knows someone who does) and they put together a questionnaire for the candidate.

    Things they probably did to get ignored: ask straight forward and direct questions, ask the same question twice in a different way (to see if it is answered the same way twice), and probably wanted to question the candidate under a hot light.

    N,o Kerry ignored them because they questionnaire was probably real good.

    I would like to see the questionnaire that Kerry ran from.


  3. Anonymous4:38 PM

    "Kerry must think the police are too dumb to understand that it is Congress that must write the bill, pass it and send it to the President for his signature."

    I am sorry, but that statment is either willful ignorance or a flat out lie. It was congressional republicans who prevented the extension from being voted on, and it was well within Bush's power, as presumably the most powerful republican in the country, to see to it that the bill crossed his desk.

    This is not a debate on the assault weapons ban. Vote for bush, or not. Vote for Kerry or not, it doesn't matter. But don't sit there and sacrifice your intellectual honesty and ultimately, integrity for the sake of your political party
