Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Amazing Race update - Well, the Twins Kami and Karli were eliminated last night. Surely there hasn't been a ditzier duo on television since Lucy and Ethel.

So many memories. A favorite of mine was when they were standing at the mouth of the Great Pyramid in Egypt wondering what "descend" meant. They were perpetually lost and maps were a constant source of puzzlement. Common sense eluded them all over the globe. In one episode, they swam across a lake to a small island instead of taking the foot bridge like every other team. Good times....good times.

Farewell, Kami and Karli!

1 comment:

  1. Those two were indeed "amazing". I liked Charla and her cousin Myrna better.

    However, my favorite Amazing Race contenders of all time(from past seasons) were the Barnun & Bailey clowns, who were a lot of fun and also were in great shape, and the two air-traffic controllers. The air-traffic controllers were always calm, spoke in soothing tones no matter how bad things got, and always got the best airplane reservations. Unluckily, neither team won.
