Saturday, August 21, 2004

The worst poll result of all

Forget about Vietnam already:

The Rasmussen Reports survey also found that 76% say Kerry's political career since Vietnam matters more than his career in Vietnam. In terms of Election 2004 voting decisions, only 9% take the opposite view and say that Kerry's combat experience is more important.
This is devastating news for the candidate who has framed his qualification for the presidency entirely on four months in Vietnam. Because, as FactCheck noted, if you look at Kerry’s career, well, to paraphrase Gertrude Stein: “There’s no there there.”

John Kerry is fond of saying "I led the fight" on a lot of things -- against Arctic drilling, against Bush's Medicare prescription drug legislation, for federal grants for 100,000 new police officers, against Newt Gingrich's attempts to lessen environmental regulations.

But reporters who cover Congress often gave others credit for the leading roles in some of those fights -- with scant mention of Kerry.

And The Associated Press last July found that only eight laws had Kerry as their lead sponsor, five of them "ceremonial," two relating to the fishing industry, and one providing federal grants to support small businesses owned by women.
Always remember: (unless you’re a Gloucester fisherwoman) after two decades in the Senate, John Kerry has done almost nothing to help ordinary Americans. No wonder he only wants to talk about Vietnam.

[Cross-posted on Blogs for Bush]

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