Wednesday, August 11, 2004

What's an environmentalist to do?

Problem: your house is infested with bugs. But you can't in good conscious use pesticides. Well, if you're a rich Kennedy, there's always a ready solution!
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is considering burning down his Mount Kisco home and rebuilding it from scratch because it's so infested with bugs.

Our wag in Westchester claims that Kennedy, a crusading environmentalist, is considering torching his family home because it's overrun with "something like termites, but not termites." Apparently in some circles, setting a home ablaze is considered more ecologically sound than simply spraying it with chemical pesticides.

When we called Kennedy for comment, he told us: "I urge you not to write this — it will damage the value of my house." He added: "We don't know what we're going to do," and declined further comment.

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