Sunday, August 08, 2004

We shall fight on the beaches…pending the approval of the League of Nations

Right Wing News provides some humorous examples of historical moments when John Kerry might have wavered, vacillated, or flip-flopped.

I’d love to do a Kerry-esque parody on Winston Churchill’s resolute and unambiguous address to the House of Commons in 1940, but to do so would cheapen a moment in time when a leader stood before the people and made his position transparently clear.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Good comparison, because as we all know, England in 1940 was under approximately the identical military threat versus Hitler as the U.S. was in 2002 against Hussein.

    What would Bush's speech be? "People must understand that Adolf Hitler is a bad man. He's defiant. He's a threat. (leans forward) He's a dan-ger. He's a man who has used weapons against his own people. There are some who say we can afford to wait to deal with this evildoer. I understand why they say that, we're in political season. It's politics. The voters will have to decide if the naysayers are right. But we cannot afford to wait until the proof is a V-1 buzzbomb in Herald Square."
