Friday, August 20, 2004

Was I wrong? Swift Boat Vets gains attention

I did not believe that the allegations by the Swift Boat Vets would affect the presidential race much at all. Honestly, I thought the news that Kerry missed 76% of the Senate Intelligence Committee meetings would be more damaging. But when the alpha and omega of your presidential campaign is four months in Vietnam, any challenge to that narrative can be devastating.

I’m still not convinced, but judging by the reaction of the Kerry campaign, they’re somewhere between nervous and scared silly (getting the FEC to ban the Swifty ads? Please.) Watch how they react to the new commercial focusing on Kerry’s testimony to Congress as a member of Vietnam Veterans against the War. It’s certainly one aspect of Kerry’s biography curiously absent from his campaign so far.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Justin, Kerry's words were not taken out of context. He did say those words and every returning Viet Nam vet, who was spat at and couldn't get a job, hates his guts. Kerry started it. Now, the Vets he so dishonored finally are getting a chance to fight back.
