Friday, August 06, 2004

It’s about the future, not the past

Charles Krauthammer says there was “no bounce for Kerry” because the Democratic Convention was backwards-looking and never presented a clear vision for the future. This is precisely why I’m steering clear of the Swift Vets controversy. It’s 20th century, it’s September 10th, it’s another age and time.

If anything, this presents a huge opportunity for Bush to stage a “Sister Souljah” moment. He doesn’t need to denounce the Swift Vets (as John McCain suggested) but simply state that this election is about the future direction of the country and we should focus on the issues that matter. It would be the Presidential thing to do, and it would shine in stark contrast to this.

1 comment:

  1. Dream scenario: 'sticking with Cheney' soundbites part of carefully orchestrated Rove campaign. Just before convention, Cheney announces he won't go for 2nd term for health reasons. Zap! Republican convention immediately transformed from Dem-style snoozefest to must-see TV, with entire media focused on who it'll be. Would be brilliant, no? And politics is theater, after all...
