Monday, August 30, 2004

GOP convention impressions

John McCain’s speech was subdued, but that’s his style. He was forceful and sober (a little funny) and he got his point across on national security. A “B+” speech.

But Rudy Giuliani….oh sweet mercy…he’s just awesome. He was at turns direct, humorous, somber, conversational and, most of all, impassioned about his party, city, and country. A wonderful speech – it’s a pity that it wasn’t carried on the networks. The man is a national treasure. I’ll post the whole transcript when it’s available. It’s too good to excerpt.

Update: As promised, here's the transcript of Giuliani's speech.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Guiliani: "And I will always remember that moment as we escaped the building we were trapped in at 75 Barclay Street and realized that things outside might be even worse than they were inside the building..... At the time, we believed we would be attacked many more times that day and in the days that followed. Spontaneously, I grabbed the arm of then Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik and said to Bernie, "Thank God George Bush is our President."

    Check. Does the concept "laughable lie" come to mind? Secret Tip: This remark NEVER HAPPENED.

    Remember when Al Gore told that story about his sister dying of lung cancer in 1984, and how it had inspired him to "protect our children" from tobacco? I suppose that manure qualified him as a "national treasure," too.
