Monday, August 16, 2004

Elitist? Moi?

I can’t understand where those Ohio voters get the notion that John Kerry is a Martha’s Vineyard snob. From ABC News:

As his plane was flying from Oregon to Idaho on Saturday, Kerry defended his taste in sports, saying, "The guys who do it are all local guys -- plumbers, construction workers."

Asked if these regular folks fly from one state to another, the husband of the condiment heiress downplayed the cost, saying, "What? 250 bucks for a ticket?"

Luckily for Kerry, the moment was not on camera. But it was the kind of moment -- if captured on camera -- that could undo months of work.
Mon dieu, that’s less than the cost of Chateau Margaux 1981!”

Adding fuel to the fire: Kerry flies in hairstylist for a touch-up.


  1. Anonymous10:07 PM

    George W. Bush, speaking on August 14:
    "The fellow I'm running against has already made over $2.2 trillion of new promises. And so I said, well, how are you going to pay for it? He said, oh, don't worry, we'll tax the rich. You've heard that rhetoric before, haven't you? It's why the rich have got accountants. (Laughter.) Figure out how he can't tax them."

    Ha! Ha! Good one, Mr. President! Thanks for the fine joke! And thanks for the 300 dollars! Too bad I don't have one of them accountants!

  2. Paul Gigot wrote an article in the WSJ back in the nineties (can't find it online) called "Oops! Weren't we supposed to soak the rich?" showing that after Clinton raised taxes on the "rich", the tax revenue from this very demographic *dropped* by 6%.

    What Bush was trying to say - in his own inarticulate way - is that the rich will find ways to protect their wealth. That's why Teresa only paid 15% in income taxes this past year. Oh, but she's a saint, right?
