Friday, August 06, 2004

The “definitely maybe” quote of the day

You bet we might.” – John Kerry when asked if he would have gone to war in Iraq if Saddam Hussein refused to disarm.


  1. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Strip-quoting like that is so lame. Here's what he said in context:

    “The United States doesn’t go to war because we want to, we only go to war because we have to. And that is the standard I will apply to the presidency. Now, might we have wound up going to war with Saddam Hussein? You bet we might have. After we exhausted those remedies and found he wasn’t complying and so on and so forth. But not in a way that provides the know 90% of the causulties are American and almost all of the cost.”

    Get it? Might have AFTER we exhausted those remedies... This war is a DISASTER for all involved. A HUGE MISTAKE. Its going to end up costing half a trillion dollars and who knows how many more lives.

  2. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Strip-quoting like that is so lame. Here's what he said in context:

    “The United States doesn’t go to war because we want to, we only go to war because we have to. And that is the standard I will apply to the presidency. Now, might we have wound up going to war with Saddam Hussein? You bet we might have. After we exhausted those remedies and found he wasn’t complying and so on and so forth. But not in a way that provides the know 90% of the causulties are American and almost all of the cost.”

    Get it? Might have AFTER we exhausted those remedies... This war is a DISASTER for all involved. A HUGE MISTAKE. Its going to end up costing half a trillion dollars and who knows how many more lives.
