Friday, August 13, 2004

Comfortable in his own skin

The Bushes were great in their interview with Larry King last night. President Bush was relaxed, funny, and confident.

KING: Senator McCain has been very strong in condemning [the Swift Boat ad] and he's very strong endorsing you...
G. BUSH: Yes, he is. Senator Kerry is justifiably proud of his record in Vietnam and he should be.

G. BUSH: You know, I don't want to prejudge the facts. But I do know that Chalabi came with a...
KING: I keep saying Chalabi.
G. BUSH: That's all right.
KING: You pronounce it better than me.
G. BUSH: That's the only word I pronounce better than you.

KING: You are going to the dedication of his [Clinton’s] library, right?
G. BUSH: I am, hopefully as a reelected president.

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