Monday, August 30, 2004

Amazing Race update

OK, I’m overloading on politics right now, so let’s recap the last episode of the Amazing Race, the first after Team “Whiny and Tiny” were mercifully dispatched from the contest. Twins Kami and Karli (above) came in last but this was a non-elimination round, so they’re still alive but without money. On tomorrow’s show, the two fit, blonde Americans will have to flirt with Islamic men in Dubai to gain cash, presumably without resorting to prostitution. This will be quite a balancing act. Meanwhile, I have two words for Colin who tried to stiff a poor taxi driver out of $50: seek therapy.

Speaking of twins – Jenna and Barbara are hot hot hot (oops! back to politics!)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Christy needs therapy, too... she lets that abusive Colin get away with it, and apologizes for his anger issues.
