Saturday, July 24, 2004

What?  What did I do?
Holy cow…I posted that pizzeria story below then went to visit my Mom for a couple of days.  I just got back tonight to discover my inbox jammed and my average visits per day increased ten-fold.  I’m getting hits from Instapundit, Fark, NRO’s Kerry Spot, and Reason’s Hit and Run, who posted this:
At least as interesting as a pro-Bush pizza-maker being slapped around by the Beantown Demo machine is the way the Net can turn the story into national issue with a few keystrokes.
 A national issue?!?  This is all a little heady.  Give me a chance to catch up with everything.


  1. I've been watching your Site Meter and was totally floored. Didn't even bother to link you once I saw Gleen & others had, but then... when I ever saw that almost 40,000 hits in ONE DAY it was stunning. But some of us already knew you rocked. Still... I can't help being a little jealous...

  2. Congrats on the instalanche. Add me to the little jealous list as well!

  3. It's funny how certain stories catch fire while the vast majority barely get a second glance. I guess lightning struck for me.
