Friday, July 09, 2004

The video that could guarantee Bush’s re-election

Two words: Wellstone “funeral.” Right before the 2002 midterm elections, Minnesota senator Paul Wellstone died in a fatal airplane crash. Walter Mondale was tapped to take his place on the ballot and the Minnesota Democrats (the “DFL”) arranged a memorial service for Wellstone that, by any objective estimation, morphed into a partisan political pep rally. See the Real Clear Politics or PowerLine archives for a timeline of the funeral and the ensuing fallout. The disgusting display of politics caused a broad backlash that led not only to Mondale’s defeat but, according to Time, also sparked a backlash against the entire Democratic party:

Did the memorial service for Paul Wellstone cost Democrats the election?

A backlash against the politically charged service almost certainly helped Norm Coleman beat Walter Mondale for Wellstone's Minnesota Senate seat. And a private poll by Bill Clinton's former pollster, Mark Penn, suggests the service backfired on Democrats nationally as well.

Penn found that 68% of voters knew about the service—a high awareness of an event broadcast live nationally only on C-SPAN. What's more, 49% of voters said the service made them less likely to vote for a Democrat—and 67% of independents said they felt that way.
Now here’s an ironic twist. The one person who recognized that the Democrats had overplayed their hand was John Kerry:

One Democrat who quickly sensed that the service was a political disaster was Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, a possible 2004 presidential contender.

The next morning Kerry called Senate Republican Leader Trent Lott, who had been booed at the memorial, to tell him how bad he felt. Penn believes national security was ultimately a bigger issue. His poll shows a stunning 65% of voters thought Democrats weren't supportive enough of the President's war on terror. "That was the issue," says Penn. "But the memorial didn't help."
This is precisely why Democratic operatives are currently tracking down and burning every video of the rally in New York last night. Like the Wellstone rally, the Kerry fundraiser last night put the Democrats and the Hollywood half-wits who support them, in sharp relief. Elect John Kerry and you’re supporting the values (such as they are) of the celebrity set and the Hollywood elite.

Last night, John Edwards said "it was "a great honor" to be there and insisted, "This campaign will be a celebration of real American values."” Let America compare the values of the Democratic party to their own: release the video.

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