Monday, July 12, 2004

"American Chopper" jumps the shark

What the hell did they do to one of my favorite shows? They're using film cameras instead of video, so now everything looks grainy and staged. Also, the show is edited to death, into hundreds of five-second scenes, like a bad MTV video. They barely focus on the bike design and the director seems to be goading Paul Sr. into petty fights with Junior. Almost overnight, the show is unwatchable.

[Sigh] - At least there's a new "Amazing Race" tomorrow night.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:38 PM

    I'm apparently not sophisicated enough to have noted the video-to-film change, but did pick up on an aspect of the editing - the producers apparently think the appeal of the show is Senior yelling at PaulJr.

    From the dialouge (sp?) given, it seems to me that Senior's concern about the bike's exhaust was the same scene, but from two (or more) different angles.

    In previous shows, Senior didn't continually harp on the same point, over and over and over. In some interview show with the Tuetuels, Senior said that from his review of the footage, he really spends only a few minutes a week yelling at PaulJR, not the extended sessions we get to see on TV.

    And I agree - I don't think we got any idea of what the bike is supposed to look like at all, even though the shop now has it's own, resident, graphic artist.

    Nice new tools, though. I wonder if they've actually been buying them, or if they get granted by the manufacturers?

