Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Quote of the Day

From the NY Times today, here’s Kerry economic advisor Gene Sperling:

"No question, George Bush had a couple of bad breaks on his watch," Mr. Sperling said, "most specifically 9/11 and the slowing economy of 2001."
Yeah, that wholesale murder of Americans was terrible luck for Bush. The New York Times, as is their wont, doesn’t ask Sperling to explain his remarks. The Boston Globe, however, had a follow-up:

Asked later about his labeling of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack, which killed nearly 3,000, as a ''bad break," Sperling said, ''I, obviously, was not trying to give a description of 9/11, which was truly one of the most grave and a tragic moment in our country's history. What I was trying to do was recognize that President Bush did inherit or did have some things that hurt the economy that were beyond his control."
Well, that's a relief.

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