Friday, June 04, 2004

More trouble for the Democratic National Convention

If you’re running a highly visible political event during a time of heightened security concerns, there are two groups you don’t want to tick off: the police and the media. First, the Boston Globe reports that Beantown police officers are going to picket the Fleet Center:

A federal judge has cleared the way for the Boston Police Patrolmen's Association to picket all FleetCenter entrances starting Tuesday morning, meaning construction workers charged with readying the arena for next month's Democratic National Convention will have to make their way past lines of police officers.
And the American Spectator Prowler reports that the DNC is so crunched for cash, they’ve been forced to move the media outside the security barriers to save money:

The Democratic National Committee is being squeezed so tightly for cash for its convention in Boston, that it is penalizing the very people who will be there to make them look good: the press.

On Thursday, most newspapers and TV outlets learned that their offices will not be quartered within the security compound of the Fleet Center, where the Democratic Convention will be held.

Instead, for budget reasons, the DNC was giving up its 54,000-square-foot space originally intended for the media center, and placing the journalists in a 42,000-square-foot facility about a block from the Fleet Center.
That’s right, Dan Rather. Every day you’ll be marching through the metal detectors. Enjoy!

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